Full animated creature, game ready.
Low Poly Skeleton (with sword and bones) poly count: 2388 tris, 1287 verts (in 3ds max, there will be more vertex in game engines).
Animation: 0-30 T-Pose, 31-331 Weapon Inspection, 332-422 Idle, 423-513 Walk, 514-544 Run, 545-605 Combat Stance, 606-666 Strike_1, 667-737 Strike_2, 738-798 Critical Strike, 799-829 Kick, 830-860 Dead_1, 861-891 Dead_2, 892-952 Jump.
Texture size: 2048*2048, tga format. PBR workflow: metallic/roughness.
Textures: BaseColor, Metallic, Roughness, AmbientOcclusion, NormalDirectX, NormalOpenGL.
Additional formats: max (2018, native), fbx (2018, binary, bake animation), fbx (game exporter, clips to single file), unitypackage (2019.4).
I hope you will enjoy my product! If you have questions about this model or you have a problem send me: c3posw@mail.ru. I believe this world is beautiful and all problems can be solved!