Druid clothes Head (deer scull): 586 verts and 580 faces, 1024k textures; Cloth(Jacket, pants and boots): 2941 verts and 2684 faces, 2048k textures; Equip (Belt, bag, knife and sickle): 1502 verts and 1405 faces, 2048k textures; Fur: 15367 verts and 5260 faces, 1024k textures; Staff: 687 verts and 614 faces, 1024k textures;
PBR Maps: Base_Color Normal OpenGL (Normal_OGL) Ambient occlusion (AO) Glossiness Metallness Specular Emissive
Unity: AlbedoTransparency MetallicSmoothness Normal Emissive
Unreal Engine: Base_Color Normal OcclusionRoughnessMetallic Emissive