Cool work
A car that runs on syrup. These cars are driven by shorties from the universe created by the Soviet writer Nikolai Nosov. If you have a desire, read
the book Dunno on the Moon, you will not regret the time you spent reading it.
The basis on which the model of the car was created was taken from the picture of the artist Oleg Gorbushkin from the book by Igor Nosov, the
grandson of Nikolai Nosov, Hurrah Naznayka. The picture can be seen in the attached pictures.
The archive includes a Maya file (MA), a general format file (FBX), a Supstens Painter file in which the car was textured and you yourself can fix
the textures as you like, and the archive also includes textures and pictures.
Polygons: 189136
Vertex: 191208