2024-09-22 01:41:52 UTCnhredant
I downloaded your model in glb format to become a location marker on a MapLibre map. It could become a place marker for my wifes last known location.
I'm just getting started with gltf models and THREE.js, so I'm likely missing a lot of what you've actually done here. I don't know how to start animations yet. I'm only moving it around like a chess peice on the map. The object scale seem appropriate and the proportions all good.
I'm not certain why there are walls around it in the gltf model? If I continue to use it I'll be looking for a way to remove the walls. The walls appear to be backdrops, and disappear like one way mirrors when looking at the model. They keep showing up behind and below it as I rotate my position. I'm only using a single directional light source, so I only see black walls.
Just wanted to leave a comment that your work is appreciated.