90% of my last sales with the maximum loyalty discount applied

Discussion started by frnmrz

90% of my last sales got the maximum Loyalty Discount applicable, that is, $15 for most of my models. This is a massive change in the tendency. When Loyalty Discount was introduced, we creators were told the average discount should be far less than the maximum, but that is not happening, at least not for me.

Even worst, I would say these purchases were made by new accounts, maybe using gift credits that, from what I've seen, have been injected into the marketplace in high volumes.

I always considered the minimum discount you can opt to as a seller, 30%, was excessive, but now I find it unbearable.

I'll ask for it one more time: please introduce the option to choose 20% as maximum Loyalty Discount.


Posted almost 4 years ago

I don't know why you are crying, your models are great, they are priced already on the low side and having discounts on top, just makes no sense. For me cgtrader's loyalty program is barely distinguishable from scam, it only makes sense if you want to earn less for more work. So yeah, contact the support as suggested, so they could brainwash you into more discounts. Having 20% discounts instead of 30% or 50%, would change nothing - you would still give away your models for less than you should. Just turn all discounts off and enjoy increased income. Leave them to the braindead mob.

frnmrz wrote
Who is crying here? Who are you to question my strategy regarding pricing my own models? I sell in other marketplaces where is sell more than here, and I need to overturn the situation, and the Loyalty Discount program is the best way for me to do that. I understand your message is not directed to me though. Anyway, don't you dare to respond to me again, especially not in those terms.
LemonadeCG wrote
Oh i'm so sorry to hurt your feelings. Of course you know the best what discounts you need to apply to be the most successful seller. How dare i advice you simple solution to your unsolvable problem? What i was thinking? Please excuse the old fool, i try to not disturb you anymore, you delicate flower.

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