Virtual Reality Environment Challenge

Virtual Reality Environment Challenge

Virtual reality is one of the most popular and hyped topics today. It is actually getting more and more exciting every day, so we decided to join the movement by organizing the challenge dedicated for the models suitable for virtual reality!

This time there is no concrete limits for you regarding the topic. We are expecting GAME-READY ENVIRONMENT 3D MODELS, so it can be anything starting from nature-themed models and ending with the environment from the imaginary world. It's all up to you. Have in mind that your designs cannot overcome the boundary of 50,000 polygons.

The best visionary proposals will receive amazing prizes from 3Dconnextion and CGTrader. Check the prizes section and get even more motivated!

So remove the imaginary boundaries, turn on your fantasy and surprise us with the quality and originality of your creations!

Challenge ended on: 2016-01-06 23:59:59 UTC


Below are the top quality models that were participating in this challenge.

$12.00 off
    Naboo Queens Royal starship J-type 327 Scale 1 to 10 3D
    obj, ige, igs, iges, mtl and more
    $27.00 off
      3D Formula Off Road
      obj, ige, igs, iges, mtl and more
      $14.70 off
      • Lowpoly
      Greek Fountain Sculpture 001 3D asset
      obj, blend, mtl
      $36.00 off
        3D model Tron Legacy Lightcycle
        obj, mtl, ige, igs, iges and more
        $6.00 off
        • Lowpoly
        • PBR
        VR / AR ready 3D Cartoon Level Pack Vol 1
        unitypackage, prefab
        $3.60 off
          Mars 8k 3D
          obj, fbx, 3ds, blend, dae and more
          $27.00 off
            3D model Rock crawling buggy
            obj, ige, igs, iges, mtl and more
            $0.90 off
              low classic door 3D
              max, fbx
              $11.70 off
                max, obj, mtl
                $8.70 off
                  3D model Orchid bouquet
                  max, obj, mtl
                  max, fbx
                  $14.70 off
                  • Lowpoly
                  3D asset Futuristic Gladiators Arena
                  obj, lwo, lw, lws, mtl
                  $40.50 off
                    3D PIPELAY CRANE VESSEL
                    obj, fbx, mtl, ma, mb
                    $11.70 off
                      max, obj, mtl
                      Join CGTrader and buy this 3D Model up to 30% cheaper!
                        3D model Stone Plate
                        $30.00 off
                          3D Tyrrell P34 six-wheeler formula 1
                          obj, ige, igs, iges, mtl and more
                          Join CGTrader and buy this 3D Model up to 30% cheaper!
                            rock 3d model landscape
                            $4.50 off
                            • Lowpoly
                            3D model boat low-poly for games mobile
                            max, obj, fbx, mtl
                            max, obj, fbx, 3ds, mtl and more
                            $5.10 off
                              Mercury 8k 3D
                              obj, fbx, 3ds, blend, dae and more
                              $12.00 off
                                3D model Billiard Pool Table
                                obj, fbx, 3ds, blend, mtl
                                $8.00 off
                                • Lowpoly
                                3D asset DODGE CHALLENGER SRT8 2013 - Custom
                                ma, mb
                                $6.00 off
                                • Lowpoly
                                3D asset house low-poly for game mobile
                                max, obj, fbx, mtl
                                $5.00 off
                                  3D asset Lovecraft Innsmout
                                  obj, mtl
                                  $30.00 off
                                    3D Tyrrell P34B six-wheeler Formula 1
                                    obj, mtl, ige, igs, iges and more
                                    $3.00 off
                                      obj, fbx, 3ds, dae, mtl
                                      $3.00 off
                                        obj, fbx, 3ds, dae, mtl
                                        • Lowpoly
                                        3D model Fire Extinguisher
                                        obj, mtl
                                        $6.00 off
                                          obj, fbx, 3ds, dae, mtl
                                          • Lowpoly
                                          Firefighter Game Character 3D asset
                                          obj, fbx, mtl, ma, mb
                                          $18.00 off
                                          • Lowpoly
                                          3D model garden of delights low poly
                                          max, obj, mtl
                                          $15.00 off
                                            Couch Dewan 3D asset VR / AR ready
                                            obj, fbx, blend, mtl
                                            max, obj, fbx, mtl
                                            $17.50 off
                                              Tennis Court 3D model VR / AR ready
                                              max, fbx
                                              max, obj, fbx, mtl
                                              • Lowpoly
                                              3D model low poly shocks
                                              max, 3ds
                                              • Animated
                                              Circle 3D
                                              • Animated
                                              triblack video 3D model
                                              $9.00 off
                                              • Rigged
                                              • Lowpoly
                                              3D asset Rock Monster
                                              obj, fbx, 3ds, blend, mtl and more
                                              $6.00 off
                                              • Lowpoly
                                              3D model Mountain Terrain
                                              obj, fbx, ma, mb, mtl
                                              max, obj, fbx, mtl
                                              $17.50 off
                                                3D model Mini Football Court
                                                max, obj, fbx, mtl
                                                $17.50 off
                                                  Basketball Court 3D asset realtime
                                                  $29.50 off
                                                    3D asset House set two lego houses with roofs
                                                    $34.50 off
                                                      3D asset Creative Park Bench
                                                      $24.50 off
                                                        3D model House with roof
                                                        max, obj, fbx, mtl
                                                        max, obj, fbx, mtl
                                                        $2.40 off
                                                        • Lowpoly
                                                        treetop village 3D model realtime
                                                        max, obj, fbx, mtl
                                                        $12.50 off
                                                          3D model Street Lamps
                                                          • Lowpoly
                                                          Traditional Japanese Building 3D asset
                                                          $6.00 off
                                                          • Lowpoly
                                                          Steel Cylinder 3D asset
                                                          obj, fbx, 3ds, dae, mtl and more
                                                          • Lowpoly
                                                          Torii Japanese Gate 3D model
                                                          $5.00 off
                                                            3D model Traffic Cone Pack
                                                            obj, fbx, 3ds, mtl, dae and more
                                                            • Lowpoly
                                                            3D asset vr-challenge Army knife
                                                            max, usd
                                                            • Lowpoly
                                                            3D model Medieval war axe
                                                            max, usd
                                                            • Lowpoly
                                                            Peashooter plant 3D asset
                                                            $1.50 off
                                                              coffee shop Chair 3D
                                                              sldprt, sldasm, slddrw
                                                              • Lowpoly
                                                              3d model table colth low-poly
                                                              obj, mtl
                                                              obj, mtl
                                                              • Lowpoly
                                                              3d model cup low-poly
                                                              obj, mtl
                                                              obj, mtl
                                                              • Lowpoly
                                                              3D model VR / AR ready chair details
                                                              obj, mtl
                                                              • Lowpoly
                                                              3d model lump low-poly
                                                              obj, mtl
                                                              ma, mb
                                                              • Lowpoly
                                                              tires and rims 3D asset
                                                              $3.75 off
                                                                3D model Table restaurant
                                                                sldprt, sldasm, slddrw
                                                                $22.50 off
                                                                  table and chair 3D
                                                                  sldprt, sldasm, slddrw
                                                                  $1.05 off
                                                                    flower 3D Flower Vase
                                                                    sldprt, sldasm, slddrw
                                                                    $9.00 off

                                                                      Awards & Prizes

                                                                      There are two categories of awards in this challenge. Both of them will have one winner and one runner-up.

                                                                      Best Virtual Reality Environment Model

                                                                      The award will be given for the best 3D CG model or visualization uploaded during the challenge period.

                                                                      For the 1st place winner
                                                                      For the runner-up

                                                                      Best Virtual Reality Environment Portfolio

                                                                      The award will be given for the best 3D CG models or visualizations uploaded during the challenge period.

                                                                      For the 1st place winner
                                                                      For the runner-up

                                                                      Terms & Conditions

                                                                      In order to qualify for the prize winnings, you must agree to terms & conditions.

                                                                      Things you must know
                                                                      • 3D CG Virtual Reality Environment Challenge will run from the 9th of November, 2015, to the 6th of January, 2016.
                                                                      • When uploading your entry be sure to check "vr-challenge" to get your model tagged and counted to the challenge.
                                                                      • Only game-ready models are participating in the challenge.
                                                                      • Cool renderings are optional but we will definitely consider this when judging.
                                                                      Things you should know
                                                                      • Designs uploaded to the gallery are not treated as valid entries.
                                                                      • Upon joining this challenge, you agree that your rendering scene might be used by sponsors for marketing (non commercial!) purposes.
                                                                      • You can have as many entry models as you want. By uploading more than 8 entry models you are eligible to enter Portfolio category too.
                                                                      • The challenge is open to everyone, including teams, legal entities and people from all over the world.
                                                                      • Participating in the challenge and uploading 3D models to CGTrader platform is free of charge.
                                                                      • All the entries must be original and not derivable.
                                                                      • Employees and relatives of CGTrader and sponsor teams are not allowed to participate in this challenge.
                                                                      • Any existing taxes or duties must be paid by the winner. CGTrader is not responsible for any illegal actions taken by the prize winners.
                                                                      • We are independent sheriffs of this challenge, so stick to the rules and don't do anything stupid.
                                                                      • Got some questions? Have suggestions? Check for FAQ or drop us a line at


                                                                      The judging of the challenge is supervised by CGTrader staff. Winners will be chosen following the requirements below:

                                                                      Best 3D Virtual Reality Environment Challenge Model

                                                                      • Quality of the model
                                                                      • Uniqueness, innovation, and general achievement in design of the model
                                                                      • Clear and attractive presentation on

                                                                      Best 3D Virtual Reality Environment Challenge Portfolio

                                                                      • Quality of the portfolio
                                                                      • Uniqueness, innovation, and general achievement in design of the portfolio
                                                                      • Clear and attractive presentation on

                                                                      Frequently Asked Questions

                                                                      Please go through these questions before contacting us

                                                                      Do I need to upload files or only images of my 3D design?

                                                                      You need to upload files and images of your 3D design in order to participate in the challenge.

                                                                      I don't want to put my entry model for sale. Do you have any suggestions?

                                                                      Does earning money from your digital files sounds like a bad idea? Just try to put higher price on it, let's say 300 USD.

                                                                      I don't want to loose copyrights on my model after it is sold.

                                                                      There are General, Editorial and Custom licenses for you to choose under which you want to operate. Individuals or companies which bought your model can't use it for commercial purposes if it hasn't been changed. So no worries - you won't loose the copyright.

                                                                      How can I participate in the challenge?

                                                                      Design awesome 3D model for 3D Virtual Reality Challenge and upload it to CGTrader.

                                                                      What if I put the required tag on my already published 3D model on CGTrader - do you treat it as a valid entry?

                                                                      No. Only 3D models uploaded in the period from the 9th of November to the 6h of January 2016 will be treated as valid entries.

                                                                      Do free 3D models participate in the challenge?

                                                                      Yes, absolutely. Sharing artwork is always appreciated in the community.

                                                                      Can I enter with 3D models which participated in other challenges elsewhere?

                                                                      Yes. There are no restrictions on publishing and selling your models elsewhere.

                                                                      Do price tags play any importance when entries are being judged?

                                                                      No. But do not forget that the prices are always judged by the customers.

                                                                      I want to participate in the challenge so I am going to delete my already uploaded models and upload them again to meet the "publishing period" requirement. Can I do that?

                                                                      No. We are tracking every deleted and uploaded model, so it is useless to drive-through our requirements of the challenge.
