9 Jan 2014

Valentine's Day 3D Printing Challenge: I Print You!

Featured post

Romeo and Juliet, Tristane and Isolde, Cleopatra and Mark Antony - these are just a few of the most famous lover couples in history. It is interesting - what gifts did they give each other for special occasions. For example - Valentine's day.

Well, it is usual to give various romantic gifts for your lover on this day. Everything that reminds love goes - sweets, flowers, jewelry. If it is in a shape of a heart - it is even better. Romantic dinner is a part of the tradition as well.

Guess what - we want to change the rules of something that looks so rock-like. CGTrader want to bring new traditions of Valentine's day. Of course, we are talking about 3D printing. Just think - wouldn't it be great to 3D print your gift? It will definitely be original.

Dear designers, we have a mission for you - to bring new ideas into the concept of the Valentine's day in Valentine's Day 3D Printing Challenge. Make it 3D printable and original. Any unexpected design goes. Unique gifts that could make a heart beat faster would be a great thing to become an object to 3D print. The deadline is the 10th of February.

Valentine's Day 3D Printing Challenge: I Print You! 1


There are two categories of awards in this challenge. Each of them will have one winner and two runner-ups.

Best Valentine's 3D Printable Portfolio

The award will be given for the best printable Valentine related models uploaded during the challenge period.

For the winner
For the two runners-up

Best Valentine's 3D Printable Model

The award will be given for the best printable Valentine related model uploaded during the challenge period.

For the winner
  • 300 USD from CGTrader
  • 5kg of premium PLA Filament from iGo3D
  • 100 EUR gift card for 3D printing by Sculpteo
  • 3D printing pen + 1kg of Filament spool from iGo3D
  • CGTrader T-shirt
For the two runners-up

