25 Sept 2012

Top 5 3D Car Models

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This time we have chosen to take a more thorough look to a category, which has a great impact on the majority of 3D graphic designers. It is cars, without doubt. First of all, no other category on CG Trader database doesn't have so many and so realistic high-class 3D models as this particular one. And secondly, we are still excited about the fourteenth round of the Formula 1 2012 season in Singapore. Congrats to Sebastian Vettel! Also, for more inspiration we recommend to visit www.carbodydesign.com. This is probably one of the best web sites about car design where you can find tutorials, examples, related news and even free models - a perfect place to learn car design tricks.


Top 5 3D Car Models 1

This professional 3D artist specializes mostly on creating luxurious vintage car models that are real pleasure to watch. This Jaguar is so elegant and attractive that it is hard not to dream about having such car in your garage... The author - Sarunas Vendelskis is a professional artist of 3D modelling from Lithuania and has a great potential. We were wowed while browsing through his website alone.


Top 5 3D Car Models 2

CGShape 3D models store is run by a group of 3D artists with 10+ years experience in creating high quality content for movies, television, commercials, print media, books and videogames. "We are committed to deliver ready-to-use, best in class 3D models", they claim. Actually, their work speak louder than the words. We imagine that any ad for BMW with this 3 Series Coupe 3D model would look really great.


Top 5 3D Car Models 3

Author Petr Mucka is a professional 3D artist from Czech Republic who specializes in hi-polygon modelling. Besides vehicle models he creates interiors and exteriors, product visualizations and custom modelling, but as you see, his cars are extraordinary.


Top 5 3D Car Models 4

Squir - Tomasz Rozkosz is a professional computer graphics artist who is one of our favourites. In his online shop, Squir has over 1500 3D models, which vary from wheeled vehicles to Aircraft, Ships and even Architecture. In addition to this, while looking at Pontiac and Porsche models above, we can clearly see how this artist manages perfectly re-create both classic and modern car models. You can also find over 750 3D models made by Squir in CGTrader online shop.


Top 5 3D Car Models 5

As we mentioned before, there is quite an amount of 3D car models in our database. However, a 3D truck (especially mixer) model is not so usual phenomenon on CGTrader's online shop. Humster3d team made something interesting and powerful again and we assume that even the heads of Volvo wouldn't make a difference between the photo and this 3d model. In their description Humster3d claim that "this 3D model was created on real car base. It’s created accurately, in real units of measurement, qualitatively and maximally close to the original". We agree.

We'll stop here, but hopefully not for a long time. It would be great if the TOP list of best 3D car models would become a tradition, because we like it or not, vehicles like cars, trucks and motorcycles are something that inspires 3D designers to create amazing digital pictures. Thumbs up for the top artists and their models!

