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  • Sell more by creating collections of your 3D models!
24 Aug 2018

Sell more by creating collections of your 3D models!

Featured post

Earn more revenue and sell your 3D assets up to 30% more often by easily creating 3D collections on CGTrader with our new feature.

How to create a 3D model collection on CGTrader

The stats

CGTrader marketplace data is clear: items in collections are sold 30% more often in comparison to being sold as standalone items. More sales mean more revenue, and every item sold in collections earns 30% more revenue than when it’s sold as a standalone item.

This is why we are introducing our newest feature which allows you to easily create collections of your assets on CGTrader. Click here to see a 3D collection created through the tool.

How to create a 3D model collection on CGTrader

If you have models with a similar theme or category, you can create a 3D model collection by selecting these models in your Models page. Simply check the ones you want to include and click the ‘Create a collection’ button at the top right of the page.

Sell more by creating collections of your 3D models! 1

A new window will let you review the selected models.

Sell more by creating collections of your 3D models! 2

Click ‘Next’ and wait while CGTrader does the rest. Our system will automatically:

  • generate preview images for your collection,
  • add file format information,
  • fill out the technical details for each model in the collection.

All you have to do afterwords is: add a title, a detailed description of your collection, select and add relevant tags, and set a price. To help you see how much items in your collection are worth, we show the total price of all individual items in the collection. You can set any price for your collection (the minimum price is $10).

Sell more by creating collections of your 3D models! 3

Collection previews and technical details

The system will automatically generate a preview image comprised of primary preview images of the assets in your collection. You can delete, rearrange or add additional preview images to your collection. You will be able to change this information and preview images in the publisher later on.

Collection pricing

We will calculate the collective price of your items to help you set a price for your collection. Note: the total price of items in the collection is just a reference. Consider how well your items performed in the past and set the price accordingly.

Publishing a collection

Click the ‘Publish’ button at the bottom left of the window and wait for your My Models page to reload with the ‘Collection was published successfully’ message. Your new collection will be available instantly. Click it to review the preview images, formats, technical details and the content section.

Sell more by creating collections of your 3D models! 4

That's it! You can start using this feature right now in your Models page. Let us know what you think in the comment section.


Creating a simple 3D model collection is easy, but it's not that difficult to make it great. Here are a couple of useful tips to make your collection stand out.

  • Make sure all assets in the collection are thematically related.
  • Add a detailed description.
  • Add additional tags – aim for 15-20 tags for your collection.

UPDATE (November, 2018):

  • You can now expand the description field to see more text and have easier access to text-editing.
  • Markdown is also improved in Publisher/Collections/Templates.

