15 Jun 2017
Scan with mobile app Qlone and upload your models to CGTrader directly
3D scanning is nothing new, though technology remains rather expensive and getting high quality scans is still a challenge. Nevertheless, with rapid and democratic development of mobile apps and growing computational capacity of mobile devices, it’s a matter of weeks when something new solving the scanning problems pops-up. And it seems that we have the first candidate to make 3D scanning convenient and more affordable - Qlone, which is available on iTunes as of today.
Qlone is the all-in-one mobile app for 3D scanning. With this iOS app anyone can instantly scan any real-life object, modify it and export it to CGTrader to start selling its .obj file. To use the app, one can simply print a QR-code-looking image on a piece of paper at different sizes and scan objects placed on that print.
Scanned model editing in Qlone
o capture objects and things - a fork,a cup or even a person (you would need a big mat, though) - around you and transform them into realistic 3D models one needs to use the phone’s camera. Keeping the proportions and having a complete scan is made possible through an AR dome guiding the scanning process, and for more complex objects (e.g. flatter ones) a few scans can be merged to have a more precise final 3D model. There are some tools to help modify the model such as texture, sculpt, clean or resize. The scanned 3D models can then be uploaded in .obj, .stl as well as .ply and .x3d formats to CGTrader within the native environment of the app for a small fee.
With Qlone, our aim is to truly democratize 3D – by removing barriers for 3D content creation for everyone… whether it’s for 3D printing, AR/VR content creation, sharing and selling… the possibilities with Qlone are truly endless”, comments Ronen Horovitz, the CEO of EyeCue, the company behind the Qlone app. Dalia Lašaitė, the CEO of CGTrader, says that scanning 3D objects is indeed very expensive and rather complicated, but using a mobile, easily portable device can really help to quickly create 3D replica of the real world. Integrating desktop and mobile workflows is great step forward in making 3D technologies more widespread, so we are happy to have this integration and really looking forward to seeing how the app will develop further.”
Video tutorial on how to use Qlone