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  • Remodeling CGTrader.com: A Sneak Peek
4 Feb 2013

Remodeling CGTrader.com: A Sneak Peek

Featured post

It seems it has been a while since you have heard from us. No, we did not get a cold from the winter tricks – nor did we get carried away with extended Christmas holidays. Actually, we have been working a lot. By saying a lot, we mean working from the morning light to the dusk of the day – including dreaming and generating ideas while sleeping.

This hard work has brought some great news and we will be sharing them with you shortly. Today we would like to give you a sneak peek of what is coming. We started CGTrader almost two years ago with an idea to create a designer-friendly marketplace – and by now it has grown to a platform with thousands of designers and numerous models, thanks to you!

To make sharing and selling your models on such an active platform easier, we have been working on a new, more convenient CGTrader. A few things still need to be done before it sees the daylight, but here is short sneak peak for you:

Remodeling CGTrader.com: A Sneak Peek 1

The whole system will also be redesigned - for example, have a look at this new item page:

Remodeling CGTrader.com: A Sneak Peek 2

We are extremely excited about the new CGTrader interface and hope you will enjoy it as well. We would love to hear your opinion - please share it in the comments!

