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- Maker 3D Printing Challenge: If you can think it, you can print it!
30 Sept 2014
Maker 3D Printing Challenge: If you can think it, you can print it!
Makers and DIYers are suddenly among the sexiest amateurs online. Maker Movement sounds as trendy as anything Apple – they might as well refer to themselves as iMakers. What gave it such a powerful boost that it went from geeky to cool? We’ll take a wild guess and say that (among other things) it’s definitely 3D printing.
Before 3D printing came along, makers mostly operated from dimly lit garages, building things that neither looked too pretty nor had a chance to interest anyone in paying for them. Today makers have all the chances in the world to earn good money on their creations and many of the items deserve nothing less but sincere compliments in terms with their looks and functionality. 3D printing changed a few aspects, as makers’ products got complete makeovers due to cheaper production, bespoke design and crowdsourcing opportunities.
Makers are dedicated to building useful, sustainable products using the collective knowledge, since designs are often open source, allowing others to contribute. The movement is focused on putting the power in the hands of the people and makes a considerable impact on global manufacturing, as it supports the philosophy of sustainability and the idea of creating and consuming locally. Learning and creating new things is at the core of the movement.
We have noticed the surging interest in the Maker Movement among 3D designers and thought it’s the right time to tap into this fast-growing industry. We’re fascinated to see what constructions and creations you will submit to the Maker 3D Printing Challenge, because we (like yourselves) believe that if you can think it, you can print it. It’s all about finding the right angle.
So what will be considerate suitable? Anything that involves engineering, building, creating, constructing, has that crazy vibe of invention and innovation and consists of at least three components. Makers want to earn money from changing the world and the society for the better, keep that in mind while you’re fiddling with your new projects.
To give you a better understanding of what we mean by practical maker products, we’ll be running a series of interviews with some of the best makers the world has to offer. You can start from this recent chat with our guest – 3DPrintler.