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  • INSTRUCTOGRAPHICS: Boost your sales with simple techniques!
7 Dec 2015

INSTRUCTOGRAPHICS: Boost your sales with simple techniques!

Featured post

Most of us marketing people (that includes you too, 3D designers!) are always looking to find some ways to attract customers and make our product look as good as it actually is (you do believe in your product, don't you?). It's like our own little children we have to take through the baby steps of growing and making their own lives.

Well, this time we've got a good one for you - Instructographics on how to increase your 3D model sales! We've created a little list from our latest research with some tips on how to pitch your products. Let's call it a Christmas gift, shall we? Oh, and don't forget - the comments section is for you to share your own gifts with fellow designers!

INSTRUCTOGRAPHICS: Boost your sales with simple techniques! 1

