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  • Guidelines For Creating A Proper 3D Printable Model For Printing Services
27 Dec 2013

Guidelines For Creating A Proper 3D Printable Model For Printing Services

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As you know, we are cooperating with 3D printing service provider Sculpteo. So, 3D designers on CGTrader can offer their customers an option to buy the final 3D printed product directly. However, there are some things that artists should know when creating a 3D printable model.

Of course, the prime file format for 3D printing is STL. Nevertheless, Sculpteo and other 3D printing services often make it simple to create a file compatible with this service - for example, Sculpteo accepts 25 file formats.

There Is More To Know

Still, there are a few guidelines for 3D designers who want to use the advantages of 3D printing and create proper 3D model files that could be used by 3D printing services. Also, there are some tips which could help you sell 3D printable models.

Size: Be Reasonable

Polygons. A file of 3D model with size of more than 50MB and containing more than 1 million polygons might not be accepted by 3D printing services. Too many polygons will extend the processing of the model - so if your model has close to 1 million polygons, please use additional ones only in the areas where they are really necessary.

Size. Size matters, of course. When you upload a model, check its size - you might have to rescale it. The customer should be able to use the model or the printed item immediately, without complicated scaling and re-scaling. If the size of an object is too large, you should change material or scale down the model.

Larger = More expensive. Remember: the greater the size of your model - the greater the price. So, think twice before you set the maximum possible size - high price might intimidate your potential clients who otherwise would be interested in buying and 3D printing your model.

Less Is More. More Is Less

Be economical. Save the material - it is not always necessary to make a seamless object. Sometimes it is as effective to offer a wireframe-style model. Less material used for 3D printing means a lower price. This factor, of course, enhances the attraction.

Hollow your models. Plain models are more expensive. Therefore - consider a possibility to make a hollow model. If you decide to do it that way - do not forget to leave two holes of at least 1,5 mm to remove the unused powder.

Guidelines For Creating A Proper 3D Printable Model For Printing Services 1

Solidity. Use solidity check. Most of 3D printing services have it. This is how you will know if your model is printable or not - its problematic areas will be shown in red. That means that they are too slim and fragile and you should change the material or the size. Some of the materials are more fragile than the others - for example, the multicolor one. Therefore, you must always think about the material and how much of it to use.

This Side Up. This Side Out

Right position. Always check the pictures of the model which you upload. It will be wiser to choose the main picture the one where an object could be seen the same way as it should look 3D printed. Otherwise, clients could get confused and might even do not understand what are you selling. Do not forget to put your model on the XY axis. It must have a basis also.

Inside-outside. Do not forget to define 'inside' and 'outside' of your model. If some of them are pointing the wrong way, 3D printers will not be able to print it.

Incorrect orientation. In most 3D modeling applications, surfaces are oriented to have a “heads” side and a “tails” side. Therefore, you must define the inside and outside of the enclosed volume. Sometimes it is hard to clearly separate the inside from the outside or fix this issue by flipping the problematic facets. Then you must cut the surface open and thicken it via extrusion.

Guidelines For Creating A Proper 3D Printable Model For Printing Services 2

Is it thick enough? The surface must be at least 1 mm thick. Otherwise, it might not be possible to 3D print it. Also, there might be cases when design contains surfaces with borders that do not enclose volume. If these surfaces do not have thickness - they cannot be constructed. You should fix it by extruding the problematic surfaces or by filling the gaps.

Guidelines For Creating A Proper 3D Printable Model For Printing Services 3

Basically, these are the main points which you should have in mind. Of course, suitability is not everything. You must be up-to-date every time you make a 3D printable model - so, check the trends and find out the most interesting things that are happening in the world at the moment. That could be your inspiration and lead. However, neat shaping and presentment is highly important - it may cost you sales. And that means money. So, create proper models and let them sell themselves.

