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  • Four simple ways to improve your 3D model collection
5 Sept 2018

Four simple ways to improve your 3D model collection

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A bit over a week ago, we introduced a new feature which lets you create collections of 3D models with just a couple of clicks. Now, hundreds of new collections are on the marketplace, and we want to share some simple tips to help your collections become more attractive to potential buyers. To illustrate our points, we'll show you real examples of collections created by 3D designers on CGTrader.

Add a detailed description

We recommend writing around 150-200 words, in addition to using at least 15 tags for a collection. This is important to have your assets easily discoverable through all search engines.

Four simple ways to improve your 3D model collection 1

This small PBR Luger Pistol collection from Steffe-Engdahl has a very nice, detailed description, which lets potential customers find out about the contents of the collection, some additional technical details, including usability in various engines and texture maps.

Make your collections bigger

Many customers don’t have a lot of time to pick and choose every model, which is why they prefer buying collections. Make your packs as extensive as possible to attract more potential buyers.

Four simple ways to improve your 3D model collection 2

gblackid made a very comprehensive all-in-one pack for Gundam miniatures. Simply seeing the Contents tab (115 models!) of this collection is mind-blowing, and really shows that you won't need to look for more similar models after buying this collection.

Create all previews of your models in a neutral background

Our collection tool generates a preview image for your collection automatically, but if you want to have the best automated preview images for your collections, render every model preview image in a neutral background. A standard model presentation shows potential customers that you have consistency and style. Otherwise, the automatically generated image for your collection will look like a collage.

Four simple ways to improve your 3D model collection 3

msgamedevelopment used an automatically generated image for this Scifi Fighters Mega Pack collection, and it looks great, because all preview images have the same background. To get even better results, we recommend using a white background in for your preview images.

Add a unique preview image

Alternatively, you should consider spending the time to create a unique main preview image for your collection.

Four simple ways to improve your 3D model collection 4

Kleaf decided to create a premium preview image made up of a complete scene of the 3D printing Game of Thrones model set in the collection. Previews like this one create the best first impression and let customers gain a better understanding of the collection from first glance. This option requires the most work and creativity, but it definitely makes your collection stand out.

There you have it! Use these simple tips to make your own collections better and note that not every designer follows through with every detail: they might have great preview images, but lack a description, or have only a couple of models in the collection. Use it to your advantage and your collection is sure to get a lot more attention on CGTrader.

If you want to browse through or buy 3D collections, use the Collection filter in the Search.

