24 Mar 2016
Cook Up Something Great For 3D Printed Kitchen Accessories Challenge
Time to put your chef hat and make something for the kitchen. That's right, we're running a 3D Printed Kitchen Accessories Challenge. Your task is to model some thing that, once 3D printed, could be used in the kitchen. Nessie laddles are out (and probably copyrighted), but you can definitely make spoon holders, salt shakers, and whatever other thingamajigs might be useful in the kitchen. Try not to poison anyone!
The challenge run from 23rd of March, 2016, to the 23rd of May, 2016, and only the entries submitted during this time can enter. You can unload as many entries as you want. Make note that this time you only need 5 - five - entries to enter into the portfolio challenge.
As for the winner, there will be one winner and two runner-ups in the model category, as well as a winner and a runner-up in the portfolio challenge.
Formfutura is providing prizes, all in addition to the usual CGTrader swag. You stand to win spools of filament: HDglass is their "new amorphous , high strength and ultra-transparent modified PETG compounded" filament, EasyWood is the type of filament that feels like wood because it is 40% wood, and CarbonFil is "a unique blend of our HDglass™ compound reinforced with 20% ultra-light and relatively long stringer carbon fibres"!
The first place winners will get two spools of HDglass, as well as one spool of CarbonFil and EasyWood each. The runner-ups will win a spool of HDglass and a spool of EasyWood.
So remember the deadlines, remember your task and get to cookin' (or 3D modeling).