8 Jan 2014

Christmas 3D Printing Challenge: Welcome To The North Pole

Featured post

Welcome to 2014!

New Year means that Christmas 3D Printing Challenge is over. We have challenged 3D designers to conquer create an unbeatable 3D printable answer to any move of Santa Claus. In other words, we have challenged that red-coated white-bearded monopolist of gift giving. And so it was... 36 daredevils accepted the challenge and sharpened their minds and produced 248 3D models which can become tangible gifts or decorations.

We hope that your Christmas was joyful and... 3D printful. If you have a 3D printer at home, you probably tried to print some prodigious items. Of course, we would be glad to know if those were items made for our challenge. You could find unique ones right here. For example, Santa who is doing a selfie, Santa on a motorcycle or Santa who is doing an epic split. And if you wanted an extraordinary decoration, you could 3D print, for example, statues from Easter island with Christmas hats on their heads.

You could select anything you want from a big variety of items, as there was a bunch of interesting ideas adapted to 3D printing. However, here are those models which, we think, are the best.

Best Christmas 3D Printable Portfolio


Christmas 3D Printing Challenge: Welcome To The North Pole 1


This is our champion. 63 models is a truly powerful statement to be named the author of the best portfolio. Do not misguide yourself - quantity is not everything. Bogdan made a lot of original models and presented himself with a unique approach to Christmas. You can see the example of it in picture above. Who could thought about Santa Claus riding a tank instead of his sledge?

Bogdan gets Felix 2.0 DIY 3D printer kit, 500 USD from CGTrader, assembled Filabot Wee, 3D printing your model of choice by 3D Print UK, 200 EUR gift card for 3D printing by Sculpteo, filaments from Colorfabb, filaments and promotional features on Kentstrapper, CGTrader T-shirt.

1st runner-up

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Sajid Diaz (ZbrushingMX) could be a true role-model - he is always quick to react to trends which are happening in the world. He made 21 models for this challenge. Here is the perfect example of what Sajid does the best - Santa Selfie is something that refers Christmas attributed with a trend - selfies.

2nd runner-up

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Emerson Rosa

Here is another good example of what kind of originality we expected. Statues of Easter Island with Santa's hats. Emerson Rosa brought 10 models and simple but original approach for this challenge.

Both runners-up gets 100 EUR gift card for 3D printing by Sculpteo, filaments from Colorfabb, promotional features on Kentstrapper, CGTrader T-shirt each.

Best Christmas 3D Printable Model


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Santa Claus Bust by Guido Vrola

Hail Santa! Guido Vrola created a super-detailed bust of the main competitor - Santa Claus himself. As it has a chess-like statuette. You can 3D print it, put on a chessboard and play till the checkmate - till the king (Santa) will have no option, just to admit that he is defeated. Brilliant idea, Guido! Congrats!

He will get 500 USD from CGTrader, assembled Filabot Wee, 200 EUR gift card for 3D printing by Sculpteo, filaments from Colorfabb, filaments and promotional features on Kentstrapper, CGTrader T-shirt.

1st runner-up

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Linked Star Ornament by Francisco Javier Ortiz Vázquez

Do not worry, if you did not have any original decorations for your Christmas tree last year. Francisco did his job that you will have a remarkably unorthodox decoration to put on a Christmas tree. Unique idea, challenging design and good approach - this is what we need when we think about 3D printable Christmas decorations.

2nd runner-up

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Christmasball by dbalex

Caged bird cannot sing, huh? Well, caged 3D model can be good enough to ensure dbalex a 3rd place in this challenge. An astonishing construction made with 3D printer - this is something what should be considered as a proper and original Christmas tree decoration.

Both runners-up get 100 EUR gift card for 3D printing by Sculpteo, filaments from Colorfabb, promotional features on Kentstrapper, CGTrader T-shirt each.

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