7 Nov 2011

Artist Profile Update: Simple But Efficient

Featured post

Artist Profile Update: Simple But Efficient 1

This picture and quote of Albert Einstein was shared and reshared hundreds of times in Google Plus last week. We were working on 3D artist profiles that time, so started to think: what could be that simple functionality that would best explain CGTrader's approach to the artists?

The solution was very simple. It is so simple that it is quite strange to miss that functionality in any other 3D model shop on the Internet.

Here it is:

Artist Profile Update: Simple But Efficient 2

Yes, every 3D artist is welcomed to put his/her website link at CGTrader.com.

If you do it, you benefit:

  • increase your credibility: your potential customers will beter know and trust you
  • increase visitor traffic to your website: we will be happy to help people find you
  • improve your site's SEO: every external link to the site improves its Google search rank

Being 3D designers ourselves, we have a list of things that we missed in the Internet. So we have many improvements at CGTrader.com in the future to fix it.

One of them can be fixed right now. Just login to your profile, then go to tab "Account details", and update your profile with the site or blog URL. Note, that you must have at least one published product on CGTrader to make your profile visible.

The screen bellow explains how simple it is:

Artist Profile Update: Simple But Efficient 3

