24 Jul 2012

Amelia Earhart's Anniversary

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Amelia Earhart's Anniversary 1

Have you ever heard about Amelia Earhart? If not, I might wonder how you are searching the information without using Google because today instead of normal logotype you are able to see the image of plane and woman standing by it.

Amelia Earhart's Anniversary 2

Today Google is declaring about Amelia Earhart’s 115 th birthday. She was the first ever woman who tried to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. She wrote many best-selling books about her experience, belonged to the departments of women piloting and was a huge part in aviation history. In regard to mention this occasion, CGTrader decided to look through the aircraft category at our marketplace and to publish the most memorable or catchy 3D models here.


A little bit more modernistic that a first one model is designed by milviz. This author has his personal website where all the works for military theme are published. Milviz has over the 15 year of experience from different services while creating world-class digital models. This particular plane stands for a military aircraft, that can be used for air combat or for transportation. The function of it might be noticeable from the decorations of the airplane sides.

UH64a Blackhawk

It is not the first work from VisuArt3D we are talking about. This author has a huge list models at our marketplace, actually,222 talking in numbers. You can even fin more at his personal portfolio. Talking about this model, as usual high quality and accuracy for elements of 3D model and everything corner of model is demonstrated in bunch of images. You definitely should the gallery of it.


It's another great work by milviz. Personally, I haven't seen anything familiar with the parts like that or any other such futuristic design.

Boeing 747

Again when we are talking about the top models, we must to mention Panaristi. His qualified 3D models attract the attention. Being honest, this model catches the eyes because it is mottled and colorful. As the author explains his work, it is inspired by the spirits of Indigenous Australians in the form of kangaroos traveling through the red desert landscape. Wunala means kangaroo.

Apache-64 Helicopter

It is worth to show another type of 3D aircraft model and we are talking about helicopter. This one is designed by kr_artist who specializes at all kind model categories. The uniqueness of it is thoughtful details of model and carefully picked colors.


This one is here because it looks like coming from history. And it kind of similar with the real one in the picture where Amelia Earhart is standing by. The designer deespona have done good job while pointing all the detailed lines at the wings and motor of the plane. As well as in other works, placed at our website. At the moment, there are 945 3D models from different categories by the author.

Avro York Mk-1

We are finishing with the aircraft model connected with military and the history topic. The designer chipbasschao created it with all the components exactly like back to the 50s. And I believe you will agree that the sky background gives the feeling of reality.

We hope that we arouse your interest 3D models and gave informative facts from history. Otherwise, at least we encouraged to check the amazing 3D models at our marketplace.

