14 Nov 2014

3D Systems Art Challenge

Featured post

Many of us are devoted art-appreciators and we all have something to say about art in the 21st century. That, of course, doesn't always mean we know what we're saying. History proves that the collective opinion on art is not so reliable, to say the least. It's enough to look at a few examples: Vincent van Gogh, Franz Schubert, Edgar Allan Poe, Johannes Vermeer - all of these cultural giants died unrecognized and coinless. But their art is priceless today. Why all the babble? Well, there are quite a few of these art-appreciators out there who publicly express their doubts about 3D printing's role in the art world. Care to hear what we think? We're positive 3D printing is a real magician's hat - you can produce any object out of nothing... And that can be a curse or a blessing.

We're thrilled to be partnering with 3D Systems this time to bring you one of the most exciting challenges of the year! 3D Systems Art Challenge is dedicated to creators who take inspiration from the world around, who have an open mind and a keen eye. Successful entries will explore the creative applications of 3D printing technology in home decor, offering interesting sculpture, product, interior decorations or any other artistic 3D printable designs. You don't need to dig very deep to grasp your first design idea, just look around your room - vases, figurines, wall art, furniture, sculptures... with a touch of creativity, even the ordinary becomes extraordinary.

A combination of fantastic prizes that include a CubePro printer, special presents from Digital Tutors and Igo3d, and the absolute freedom to create and design a piece from your imagination makes this challenge every artist's priority. Let's give the art-appreciators a reason to love 3D printing.

3D Systems Art Challenge 1

Just to give you a direction...

3D Systems Art Challenge 2

Man head sculpted by Cartoomotion

3D Systems Art Challenge 3

Mobius Nautilus by joabaldwin

3D Systems Art Challenge 4

Figulo Ceramic Candle Holder by Amos_Roger

3D Systems Art Challenge 5

Abraham Lincoln by Isaac Budmen

3D Systems Art Challenge 6

Origami Crane Skeleton by joabaldwin

3D Systems Art Challenge 7

Tall Elephant Wall Art by 3DCLOUD


