26 May 2016

3D Printed Kitchen Accessories Challenge Winners

Featured post

Hey there, 3D printing kitchen masters! You have truly shown us your mettle in our last contest! Yes, the 3D Printed Kitchen Accessories Challenge is finally over, and we have determined the winners! They have worked long and hard to design things that make life in the kitchen easier.

But before we delve into their creations, let me remind you of the prizes, all presented by the wonderful Formfutura, makers of awesome 3D printer filament. First place winners will get two spools of HDglass Filament, one spool of EasyWood Filament (which is 40% wood) and a spool of CarbonFil Filament (it's HDglass, but now reinforced with long carbon fibers!). The runner-ups will get one spool of HDglass and EasyWood each.

And now, the winners!

Best Model

#1 CRACKBLOCK The Better Way To Crack An Egg by SGEDESIGNS

3D Printed Kitchen Accessories Challenge Winners 1

#2 Skull Pot by tridimagina

3D Printed Kitchen Accessories Challenge Winners 2

#3 Chimp hook hanger by tomislavveg

3D Printed Kitchen Accessories Challenge Winners 3

Best Portfolio

#1 Portfolio by bulgakova_tanya

3D Printed Kitchen Accessories Challenge Winners 4

3D Printed Kitchen Accessories Challenge Winners 5

#2 Portfolio by ajaygrawal

3D Printed Kitchen Accessories Challenge Winners 6

3D Printed Kitchen Accessories Challenge Winners 7

Winners will be contacted in two weeks.

