23 Jun 2016

10 Low Poly Models For June!

Featured post

Low polygon models is what the future is about. Well, the future of VR, gaming and VR gaming. That's why we're showing you 10 more low poly models to inspire you to model yourself. So look at this post, comment, get inspired and get to designing. There's a game developer out there waiting for your creations!

Troll by ciconiastudio

Argh, a troll! A big ol' troll who could also be a mean ogre. I mean, come on, trolls and ogres have the most unpredictable looks of all fantasy creatures. Big, ugly, humanoid - that basically covers it. So it's a versatile creature! It also comes with 12 animations.

10 Low Poly Models For June! 1

Stylyzed Strange House by lowlypoly

Now this is a house any witch would be proud to call her home. Works for both old ladies living on the edge of the town and those choosing to dwell in the forest. It wouldn't look out of place in Warcraft, either. Game developers, please use this in an RTS!

10 Low Poly Models For June! 2

Arid Environment Rocks by codepixel

You know something that no game can do without? That's right, crates! They exist in every game. However, rocks are no less important, whether providing placement for chest height invisible walls or just not letting FPS heroes wander off too far. Point is, your game needs rocks and these are some of the best low poly examples out there.

10 Low Poly Models For June! 3

6 Low-Res Cartoon Ground Units by CGPitbull

No such thing as too many RTS games. Alas, not many of them heed the lessons of Company of Heroes, the best RTS game of all time. Maybe someone will one up them with these low polygon military models. Just because they're cartoony it doesn't mean they can't be in a deep strategy game!

10 Low Poly Models For June! 4

Unity3D 5 - 4 PBR Gun package - by pitatang

This package contains 4 guns. While the author provides only generic names, I bet these are actually the M39 DMR, the Uzi SMG, some sort of AR-15 derivative and a AMC Auto Mag Pistol. The last one is a bit rare and strange, make few appearances in video games, but this only means that you can surprise your players. Looks heavy enough to be a melee weapon, too.

10 Low Poly Models For June! 5

Animated Dragon - Cartoon Stylized by addvanced

This dragon model is rigged, animated and otherwise ready to go. if your peasants need terrorizing, if your princess needs kidnapping, if your knights are going rusty without a quest, he's your guy. Burning villages, causing mayhem and hording loot, he's a fantasy game must-have. 10 Low Poly Models For June! 6

Gate cave 009 by icekazim

What kind of dark dungeon could this foreboding cave gate could guard? How many magical gems would you need to collect to open it? Nobody knows! But it sure looks ominous and promises both loot and bossfights!

10 Low Poly Models For June! 7

4 3D models of Spaceships by CGPitbull

Four colorful human ships for your sci-fi adventure. Will they be flying around (or floating around, in case of the gate model) in an RTS game or will someone pilot them in a VR shooter? Who knows! However, they are colorful, something that's usually lacking from human sci-fi spaceships.

10 Low Poly Models For June! 8

Dwarf warrior animated game model by pelo3d

Dwarves and elves have been stuck in fantasy for as long as anyone can remember Tolkien's works. I mean, going without them would mean that you have to come up with your own weird races, and that would just be weird. That's why every game has dwarves!

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