2123057Hi Dear Sellers and Clients.Product Name: Christmas Tree 11 New yearChristmas Tree 11 New yearChristmas Tree 11 New year
Version: 2017,2020 3D Model Created in 3Ds Max 2017,2020Polygons and Vertexs: Polys: 2123057 Verts: 2270950Formats: 3Ds Max 2017 OBJ FBX MTLEnjoy 3D Modeling Good LuckFile Formats
-MAX (3ds max formats) 2020 & 2017-OBJ-MTl (in obj)-FBX-3DSThe specified polygon and vertex number only apply to the 3dsmax file. Not applicable to other 3d softwares.(Blender Cinema4D and another) In other 3d Softwares (Blender,Cinema4D) the number of polygons and vertexes may be different. For this reason, I recommend that you read the Description thoroughly before purchasing this model.
by Terlan125
Highly photorealistic model of Christmas Tree in a pot .
Very accurate, suitable for hi-res extreme close-up.Done in Real World Dimensions.
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