These 3D-printed fluted guide vanes, available in .stl format, are a revival of Viktor Schauberger’s visionary approach to water flow management. Designed to channel water into vortex patterns, these vanes minimize resistance, making them ideal for applications such as ore transportation through cylindrical tubes or any system where efficient fluid flow is critical.
While the original geometry of Schauberger’s vanes was lost to history, I meticulously studied his writings and principles to reconstruct them. Using the Whorl Pipe as a foundation, I modeled these vanes with a tapering egg-shaped profile, incorporating the “golden egg” proportions that Viktor and Walter Schauberger championed for their harmonizing effects on natural flow.
This is more than just a functional design; it is a faithful recreation of Schauberger’s forgotten invention. To my knowledge, this marks the first true reproduction of these guide vanes in over a century. Ideal for all cylindrical water channels, these vanes ensure an optimal, vortex-driven flow—an embodiment of Viktor Schauberger’s philosophy of working with nature’s inherent energies.