Pyramid energy is a well-documented phenomenon, and its potential can be maximized by understanding its key energy centers. Research by Patrick Flanagan demonstrated that even a small array of pyramids can be as effective as a larger structure in producing tangible effects such as dehydration, preservation, and even sharpening. This design takes those principles further by integrating permanent magnets on the pyramid's sides, effectively simulating a denser and more focused version of the Earth's magnetic field.
The pyramid dimensions used in this array are based on the proportions of the Giza pyramid, which has shown the highest energy output in multiple studies. As per Flanagan’s findings, the pyramid’s geometry remains second only to the sphere in terms of energy concentration.
Les Brown's research has identified two primary energy centers within the pyramid structure, corresponding to points of maximum energy accumulation. This array incorporates those findings by aligning the energy centers of a smaller pyramid inside each larger (hollow) pyramid, ensuring that the lower energy center of one aligns with the higher energy center of the other. The result is a more efficient and synergistic energy field generated by the interlinking pyramids.
Additionally, the larger pyramid’s upper energy center is designed to hold a small quartz sphere, further amplifying the effect. The sphere can charge and discharge energy in all directions, creating a dynamic energy field. Optional permanent magnets can be fitted around the pyramid array’s periphery to enhance energy accumulation, allowing for further experimentation with energy flow and accumulation.
This design represents the most advanced approach to harnessing pyramid energy currently available. The .stl file allows you to print the pyramid plate array as needed for various applications, from enhancing the quality of food, water, and wine, to promoting balanced mind and body energy centers. It can also improve food preservation and dehydration, while users have reported benefits such as improved sleep and increased physical energy when placed under a bed.
This is a serious tool for those familiar with the science behind pyramid energy. It’s not about gimmicks—it’s about applying real research to create a functional device for practical use.