Homunculus harry potter figurine

Homunculus harry potter figurine 3D print model


In psychology, the homunculus is the proportional diagrammatic representation of the animal body in relation to its parts, represented in the somesthetic and motor cortex.In this representation, the neural area corresponding to each body portion. Just as the face has a greater number of nerves and consequently bodies of neurons, the design will have an immense face, with a small trunk, large arms with huge hands, small legs with medium feet.Sensitive homunculus: somesthetic area, located in the post-central gyrus.Motor homunculus: motor area, located in the pre-central gyrus.

joshua-centerpoint2021-02-05 14:08:36 UTC
Wouldn't this be a somatosensory musculus, rather than a motor homunculus? The clue is in the ears. There are not motor neurons for the ears, but there are for sensing neurons. Does this purchase come with both types?
anapaula3d2021-02-05 16:53:58 UTC
Hello, there is only this model, it was the request of a friend who sent me a photo of how she wanted it. If you send me a picture I can try to do it too. I just researched it but I didn't understand the difference between this and what you want (paulamath@gmail.com).
joshua-centerpoint2021-02-06 23:10:29 UTC
Here's a sensory motor humunculus: https://images.app.goo.gl/ZDhEAR6R55LTC83X9 the one you have is a somatosensory humunculus. The difference is feeling vs movement. Since we don't move our ears, the clue is if there are ears or not. also, movement and sensory systems are not equal, so the rations vary somewhat.
anapaula3d2021-02-07 02:04:47 UTC
Thanks for the reference, I will make this new model soon!
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Homunculus harry potter figurine
Royalty Free No Ai License 
Homunculus harry potter figurine
Royalty Free No Ai License 
Response 89% in 1.8h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (4 files)386 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-12-17
  • Model ID#2765315
  • Ready for 3D Printing