Digital Lip Bumper (Orthodontics) The Lip Bumper Appliance is a removable device that aids in the distalization of the lower molars. Each bumper is customized to allow an even force from the lip muscle to effectively create space for continued treatment of overcrowding. A lip bumper is a dental appliance used in dentistry for various purposes. Lip bumpers are often used in orthodontic treatment plans when the patient has crowded maxillary or mandibular teeth in the arch. A lip bumper is used to hold the lower molars back while allowing the lower front teeth to move forward. This proves space for overcrowded teeth. The bumper keeps the lower lip out of contact with the lower front teeth. Simultaneously, it places a force on the back teeth which prevents them from moving forward. It is commonly an alternative to teeth extraction
A lip bumper is a wire which is partially coated in plastic and slides into two metal molar bands at either end. When in place, it lines the front side of the lower teeth. It removes pressure from the lip and cheek by essentially stretching or widening the arch of the lower jaw. Every time the wearer talks, laughs or smiles, the lip pushes against the bumper opposed to the teeth.This push from the device also prevents the permanent molars from sliding forward as the primary teeth are lost and permanent teeth erupt. Because of this, lip bumpers are most effective if they are used before all of the primary teeth are lost.http://www.odlortho.com/product/lip-bumper/ This device is designed in 3Shape Appliance and realistically rendered plus KeyShot Pro.