Heat exchanger Hairpin

Heat exchanger Hairpin 3D print model


A hairpin heat exchanger can be described as a single-pass shell-and-tube unit that has been folded in half to give it a hairpin appearance. ... Hairpin heat exchanger closures allow for a removable tube bundle and accommodate thermal expansion without requiring expansion or packed joints.Hairpin exchangers are jacketed 'U' tube exchangers operating in a true countercurrent flow, allowing also temperature cross (hot fluid outlet temperature is below cold fluid outlet temperature) with a very efficient design.In this desing we have a studied model, with the solidworks drawings for every part, with the the study repport in needed.

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Heat exchanger Hairpin
Royalty Free License 
Heat exchanger Hairpin
Royalty Free License 
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3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • SolidWorks (.sldprt, .sldasm, .slddrw) (18 files)9.09 MBVersion: 2021Version: 2021Version: 2021Version: 2021Version: 2021Version: 2021Version: 2021Version: 2021Version: 2021Version: 2021Version: 2021
  • PDF (.pdf) (7 files)1.01 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-01-29
  • Model ID#3547344
  • Ready for 3D Printing