Compact Flexure Bearing - 140 degree motion rated to 1300 cycles

Compact Flexure Bearing - 140 degree motion rated to 1300 cycles 3D print model


This is a fully 3d printable flexure hinge with +- 70 degree range (140 degrees total) to be integrated into your mechanism designs. It does not require any assembly or added supports. The only post-processing that needs to be done is removing the built in bridge supports, which are optimized to be easily removable by hand and not leave any pieces behind.

In addition, the model is fully scalable in X, Y, and Z. For instance, if you want the flexure to be stiffer in the other directions, you could scale it in the Z direction.

I have tested the flexure to failure by manually moving it over its full range and counting the number of cycles. For the standard sized model printed in generic PLA at 195C and 0.2mm layer height, it was able to withstand 1350 cycles over its full range before failing. With more appropriate materials, such as polypropylene, this number could be increased significantly. In addition, if the flexure is not used over its full range, this number will also be significantly increased.

The standard sized model is only 40mm in diameter, and 17.6mm tall. It is as compact as I could get it for a 0.4mm extrusion width using a regular FDM printer. If you are using a newer 3d printer with better thin wall handling, it is possible to scale down farther.

For the best performance, make sure that the 3d printer does not place any seams on the bending flexure elements. This will cause premature failure.

With this purchase, you will recieve:

  • The standard 3d model (.STL and .STEP)
  • The 3d model for an example 4 bar linkage (.STL and .STEP)
  • The rights to use the model in commercial capacity, to create physical 3d printed goods.

By purchasing this model, you agree:

  • You will not share the model, or any derivatives of the model with anyone else. This means that any 3d model files that use this flexure model cannot be shared or resold.

A video of a four bar linkage example can be found here:

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Compact Flexure Bearing - 140 degree motion rated to 1300 cycles
Custom License 
Compact Flexure Bearing - 140 degree motion rated to 1300 cycles
Custom License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)760 KBVersion: 6Version: 6
  • STEP (.stp) (2 files)2.48 MBVersion: 6Version: 6

3D Model details

  • Publish date2024-02-17
  • Model ID#5102803
  • Ready for 3D Printing