Here's the Cool looking scaled model of a Boeing 747-400 DreamLifter which can be optimized either for RC or for Table Top model.
about the Aircraft:- The Boeing 747-400 Large Cargo Freighter (LCF) is a wide-body cargo aircraft modified extensively from the Boeing 747-400 airliner. With a volume of 65,000 cubic feet (1,840 m³).it can hold three times that of a 747-400F freighter.[2] The outsized aircraft, known as the Dreamlifter, was designed to transport Boeing 787 Dreamliner parts between Italy, Japan, and the U.S.,
Source:- Wikipedia
This model goes very well if someone is working on to model a miniature Airport or also to add it in your aircraft fleet collection especially for all the avia geeks.
Software used to design this :- Autodesk Fusion 360