Aluminium.The real metal.Date of invention is 2 November year 2021.3D print licence. covers and includes all 3d printers.Non commercial, no derivatives.Work in progress, details may change.As is where is, use at own risk.Not food.Print notes.I do not supply filament nor the printed object thing. nor printers.Elon Musk and inluding all his companies spacex tesla any and all companies parteners investors associates where any commercial gain is made by way of 3d printing ALUMINIUM are here by EXCLUDED.The above are totally excluded from being allowed to make any commercial gain. Obviously Elon Musk MUST not make any money. Elon and above parties MUST not charge money offer credit nor insentives gifts nor SERVICES nor exchange of products assests,nor gifts nor favours as commercial gain.Elon you've been utterly excluded, ruled out, cut off.
If you want to do a deal with me, you not one of your hench men, lawyer, whoever, only you may make a deal with me to possibly change these terms and thats if i agree of my own free will. I may alocate a proxy a excecutor a team of any alocated party i so choose in my sted. If we do this my intention is i alone in plain speak between just the two of us and to be kept simple plain speak and up front. I am alive and inteed to stay that way so my death would not be an out nor end to my set terms nor ferther terms.In saying that lets you Mr Musk and myself try do a deal, a simle one. I'd hope we can agree a price then you pay and i recieve the entire sum of money on time and you get to be the owner by me transfering ownership to you and our deal would end and no ferther action required.Hay i've written my own real estate deals with less words so this should be able to be kept even simpler.Current price remains at 2 billion US dollars, for all my licecensed things. sold as is where is, use at own risk. Contact me now Mr Musk.
PRICE TO BUY OWERSHIP OF THIS LICENSE IS $500 million dollars.Price $100 buyes a copy of the STL file only then you to sell 1000kg only.repurchase this STL file for every 1000kg .
If you want to purchase the ownership of this invention thing license, message me.