Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 Cartoon

Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 Cartoon 3D print model


Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 cartoon, ready for use in 3D print and CAD applications. Modeled in Autodesk Inventor and provided in multiple file formats (IPT/IAM, STP, SAT, IGS, and STL). Provided with and without face, as single-piece part and multiple-piece assembly, and with optional base.

Physical dimensions:

  • Coronavirus without base - approximately 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 in
  • Coronavirus with base - approximately 1.5 x 1.5 x 2.0 in

Coronavirus model is provided in 2 styles:

  • Coronavirus with face
  • Coronavirus without face

Each Coronavirus style is provided with 2 assembly options:

  • A single-piece part to be printed as one object. Printed model can be painted with different colors, if desired
  • A multiple-piece assembly to be printed as multiple objects and then glued together. Individual components can be printed with different colors, if desired.

Optional base with raised COVID-19 label is included.

Autodesk Inventor files (IPT/IAM format) are provided with intact browers trees allowing sketches and features to be edited and customized.

Product includes:

  • 14 Autodesk Inventor 2012 models for CAD (IPT/IAM format) - 4 Coronavirus cartoon assemblies and 10 Coronavirus cartoon parts
  • 14 STP models for CAD - 4 Coronavirus cartoon assemblies and 10 Coronavirus cartoon parts
  • 14 SAT models for CAD - 4 Coronavirus cartoon assemblies and 10 Coronavirus cartoon parts
  • 14 IGS models for CAD - 4 Coronavirus cartoon assemblies and 10 Coronavirus cartoon parts
  • 10 STL models for 3D print - Coronavirus cartoon parts
  • 1 Read Me text file (TXT format) detailing the physical dimensions and quantities of all parts required to build the assembly

If you have any questions, either before or after purchasing this model, please feel free to contact me here on CGTrader and I will help in any way possible.


Ocstard2021-05-21 16:10:54 UTC
Nice Work! but why such a low price !!?? you can easily sell it at a much higher price and earn more ! undercutting is going to kill cgtrader and impact negatively everyone !!
cbspicer2021-05-24 19:27:24 UTC
Hi Ocstard, Thanks for the positive comments about my model as well as the feedback about the price. Pricing 3d models is, of course, a very subjective (and sometimes challenging) pursuit. Before setting the price, I consider a variety of factors - model complexity (surface resolution, visible detail, time invested, etc.), package completeness (multiple solid and surface-based formats, textures, materials, etc.), market size and use cases, as well as pricing for similar models. My goal is never to undercut the market. My goal is always to provide quality models at a fair price. - CBSpicer
Item rating
2 0
alanvent2020-11-16 19:08:12 UTC
Easy to print from the files.
vitaliybondarenko2020-05-23 03:23:04 UTC
Really cool! Printed it in many variations and sizes!
Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 Cartoon
Royalty Free License 
Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 Cartoon
Royalty Free License 
Response 90% in 1.3h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • IGES (.ige, .igs, .iges)1000 KB
  • 3D ACIS (.sat)993 KB
  • Stereolithography (.stl)6.47 MB
  • STEP (.stp)832 KB
  • Autodesk Inventor 2012 (.iam, .ipt)2.99 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-03-22
  • Model ID#2327041
  • Ready for 3D Printing