Black Mamba Venomous Snake Reptile 3D Print

Black Mamba Venomous Snake Reptile 3D Print 3D print model


The Black Mamba, one of the most venomous snakes on the planet -printable and paintable for your hobbyist needs. Much better then keeping a real one!

This file come with two poses, each pose coming in parts or whole for easier printing. Total of seven .stl files. Prints with supports.

Default scale is about half the size of an adult black mamba, but the models scale down great for just about any purpose.

Options for commercial license available upon request.

If you have any questions, commissions or issues with any of my stls, feel from to contact me either through CGTrader or these other options.

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Black Mamba Venomous Snake Reptile 3D Print
Custom License 
Black Mamba Venomous Snake Reptile 3D Print
Custom License 
Response 100% in 4.2h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)163 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-11-22
  • Model ID#4920575
  • Ready for 3D Printing