IC 4406, sometimes known as the Retina Nebula, is a planetary nebula near the western border of the constellation Lupus, the Wolf. It has dust clouds and has the shape of a torus. Despite this, it looks somewhat rectangular because it is seen from its side as viewed from Earth, almost in the plane of its equator.
You can find 3D walk around videos of my modells here:https://www.youtube.com/@3Dreality3D
Dead exploded star, whose light traveled thousand years for the our Spaces Telescope to record its photons!Where the material becomes denser, as a result of physical processes, it will be brighter and warmer, like as the sun! Somehow, the thickening matter creates deeper and deeper holes in space-time. Based on this, I created the negative gravity map of the image with the help of software, as gravity distorts a deep pit in space-time, the texture rises on the model, thus creating gravity mountains!
3D image obtained as a result of soft analysis of the 2D images of the new Hubble Space Telescope. The technique based on color analysis highlights the light of stars and ionized gases from the darkness of space, as gravity curves space, thus creating a spatially interpretable high-resolution 3-dimensional work.