Chinese Jade Coney Lunar Rover System

Chinese Jade Coney Lunar Rover System 3D print model


This is a HIGHLY DETAILED model of the Lunar Rover system 'Jade Coney'. Launched on 2nd December, 2013, it marks the achievement of the Chinese Space agency CNSA, and will light the way for future Chinese lunar explorations. Realistic and up-to-scale components are featured, including RCS thrusters, Antennas, Rover ramp, and Science equipment. It does make a nice view for desktops, or as a display set in front of the TV. For better effects, try downloading some lunar surface STLs from NASA. BE ADVISED: many delicate parts of this model are suggested to be printed with an SLA printer, such as Elegoo Mars, form3, or Anycubic Photon s.

gigi222020-05-29 10:58:25 UTC
nicely done !!!
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Chinese Jade Coney Lunar Rover System
Editorial No Ai License 
Chinese Jade Coney Lunar Rover System
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • 3D Manufacturing File (.3mf)1.17 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl)2.66 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-02-19
  • Model ID#2280227
  • Ready for 3D Printing