A 3D-Model of the Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar Spaceplane - a theoretical concept developed by Boeing, the US-airforce and NASA in the earliest days of spaceflight for a winged gentle reentry system often (somewhat misleadingly) compared to the spaceshuttle - the program was cancelled in favor of typical space capsules and didn't substancially influence the spaceshuttle program which came much later but it owuld have been an interesting vehicle. While it was never built and sketches and mockups vary slightly we have a good idea of what the concept would have lookedl ike and I made a model that can be scaled down and printed as a scale model as well. With a wingspan of about 6.4 meters it would have been much smaller then the spaceshuttle and it was supposed to launch on top of a modified Titan rocket, much more like a capsule - it wouldn't have much propulsion of it's own other then RCS and a maneuvering system, but different from a typical spacecapsule once deorbited it would reenter in several long gliding or soaring passes through the atmosphere diving in and out to cool off and slowly descend deeper until finally slowing down and landing