WR-40 Langoust

WR-40 Langoust 3D print model


WR-40 Langusta is a Polish self-propelled multiple rocket launcher developed by Centrum Produkcji Wojskowej HSW SA. The first 32 units of the WR-40 entered service in 2010.

The Langusta (rock lobster) is based on a deeply modernized and re-worked Soviet cold-war era BM-21 launcher. Old petrol Ural-375D truck chassis was replaced with a modern one, and the launcher was fitted with a fire control system. The carrier used is Polish 6x6 Jelcz truck model P662D.35 with low-profile armoured cabin for a whole crew. Also new ammunition Feniks-Z with 42 km range was adopted.

It's a pretty great model to have when fielding a Polish Modern Army!

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WR-40 Langoust
Royalty Free License 
WR-40 Langoust
Royalty Free License 
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3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)3.57 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2021-11-19
  • Model ID#3395552