For a diorama i needed a forced airflow t create the effect of a burning car. the fan and the Smokeelement is in the Base. filled with a messing tube from the top by a syringe.Needed:Radial FanSmoke element from seuthe (version 6E)For the fireeffect i used the module from Viessmann #52732 bolts to fix everything together.
The baseplate is not really nessecary, i used it because i needed it in an angle.the connector for the lights is glued at the side of the car-adapter
The caradapter is added as an stepfile for easier modification for other cars. or you could write me a message and i could ad another design if you need it !!the car adapter is glued to the car, every hole is filled with putty and painted black. so that there is not so much light from the top but mainly to prevent the smoke coming out because if the airflorresticton in the engine bay by the engine.Smoke-unit_1 is glued to smoke_unit-2:to not remove everytime the car i used a small metal pipe and y syring to refill the smoke generator that is placed inside unit-2 are already 4 holes to reduce the airflow. depending in the radial fan you use (i lowered the speed of mine with a resistor) you have the airregulation part to adjust the airflow with the smoke
The assembled smoke-unit is about 8.5x8x7cm without the car adapter.the top of the unit is the terrain of the diorama and the car adapter will cover the part between the car and the smokeunit.
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