Scalable Boxer armored fighting vehicle without modules

Scalable Boxer armored fighting vehicle without modules 3D print model


Boxer armored fighting vehicle in H0-scale (1/87). This is a very detailed model which can be scaled up to other scales without losing any level of detail, so the model can be used for different purposes other than model railway such as tabletop. The wheels are separated from the model as shown in the pictures. This product only contains the base model of the vehicle, mission modules are not included. However, they are in the works and will be published here shortly.

Boxer im Maßstab 1/87. Das Modell ist detailliert genug, um es auch in größeren Maßstäben für andere Anwendungsfälle (wie z.B. Tabletop) zu drucken, ohne das die Details verloren gehen. Dieses Modell ist nur dar Fahrzeug an sich, Module dafür sind nicht enthalten Diese sind jedoch in Arbeit und werden zeitnah ebenfalls hier veröffentlicht.

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Scalable Boxer armored fighting vehicle without modules
Custom No Ai License 
Scalable Boxer armored fighting vehicle without modules
Custom No Ai License 
Response 90% in 11.2h
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)52.1 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-07-20
  • Model ID#3883509
  • Ready for 3D Printing