HO scale 1/87 rotary dump phosphate hoppers, U8, U10, U12, US12. These rotary dump hoppers hauled dry rock phosphate between Florida’s Bone Valley phosphate mines and ports on Tampa Bay from the early 70s through the 2000s. There were several varieties with subtle variations. Included are two slightly different bodies, one for depicting the U8 and U10 and one for the U12, which had a different rivet arrangement on the sides. The cars are assembled from a few different parts. The roof and body are separate. And the roof and hatches are separate. Two varieties of hatches are included. Also included is a roofwalk for those who don’t want to bother with photo etched parts. Starter holes are provided in the model for applying wire grab irons. All parts are in millimeters. These cars were rebuilt from older cars. If interested in the older ACL and Seaboard (P9) versions of these cars before they were converted to flip-tops, just contact me and let me know.