TYRE This is a rear tyre/tire for 1:14 Scale Truck RC projects of outer Dia 85mm and width 22mm, to fit Tamiya/Wedico truck rims of diameter 44mm. It is built as a hollow shell tire and ideal for DIY Silicone molded tire for RC project trucks. This being a high-def, high quality print file, slicing times for some parts may be high.Ideal fit for my own 3D Print rim model at https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/hobby-diy/automotive/3d-printable-rc-truck-wheels !
Features - Highly detailedSingle Part modeloptimised for 3D PrintingClean and non-overlapping topologyModel is settled to 0,0,0 XYZ AxisMake the right size for you and start printingThe size can be changed to the size that best suits your projectFile format [ 3DM, STEP, STL, OBJ ]NO TEXTURES! (Although the model is good enough to be used for CGI as well..
For custom requests and commissioned projects, please reach out at ajyotimahanta@gmail.com.
Also check out the finished model images on my fb page as https://www.facebook.com/ArpanJMDesign!