If you're a Tomcat fanatic like I am with a stack of F-14 models, $10 for a single set of aftermarket engine cones adds up. Nevermind the other extras like ordinance, wings, etc. This set gives you access to every single Tomcat part I've created in a one stop shop. While some of these parts may fit the Arii, Dragon, or Trumpeter kits with some modification, they were designed around the ever popular 1/144 Revell kit.
This package includes: 4 Differen Wing configurations (takeoff, level flight, landing, manuevering) Intake Fan Bombcat parts (BRU-32, AN AAQ-14 LANTIRN Pod)VF-101 Tomato Tomcat specific armament (ADM-141, LAU-131, Zuni Rocket Pods) Pratt & Whitney TF30 Open and ClosedGE F110 Open and Closed