DET-0067 Junk yard detail set H0-scale 14 items

DET-0067 Junk yard detail set H0-scale 14 items 3D print model


Set of 14 items to create junk yard installation with an excavator with peel grapple. Junk yards are commonly found around the railway lines and recieve and send out re-cycled metal scraps. Design features modular design, which means they can be combined freely to desired length and shape. Ready-to-print super detailed items set for H0-scale Model Railroad. The 3D-models with supports for resin print are included and all neccesary preparations are made to simplify print. Simply download, un-zip, slice and print. Enjoy!

The models are developed and test printed to verify function, detail and printability. Testing has been performed on a range of 4k and 8k resin printers.

We recommend using one of the following resins for high strength and super detail:

  • 70% Anycubic ABS-like resin & 30% Anycubic Tough resin


  • LAYER THICKNESS: 0.03mm (to avoid visible layer lines)
  • WASHING: Wash all items clean from resin preferrably in a washing mashine 6-8 minutes. Leave all items to dry after wash properly. Preferrably over-night / 24h (to avoid warp).
  • POST CURING: All sides, including inside surfaces, MUST be exposed to the UV-light. Recommended time: 4 minutes.
  • Paint the details immidiatly after post-curing using a primer. We recommend TAMAIYA Surface Primer Fine Gray (to avoid warp).

*The Editorial licence of course includes unlimited printing for your own Model Railroad. However, the 3D models provided in this set must NOT be used for commersial production or re-sale of the 3D-models.

spartan672024-07-17 22:41:59 UTC
New to 3D printing... if I scale your designs down to N scale do you know if they will print okay...?
modelrailroad3d2024-07-19 11:40:47 UTC
Hi! Thank you for contacting us! Scaling can always be made in your slicer software. 10-25% down-scaling works in most cases good to print. However, most of the items designed for H0-scale will not print correctly scaled to N- or TT-scale. This because minimum printable dimensions have already been used to create the H0-scale item. Any down-scaling will produce details smaller than possible to print. It also has a negative effect on the mechanical strength of the printed item, which makes it a lot more fragile. Best regards Modelrailroad3D-team
omelaurus2024-02-27 21:02:15 UTC
Hi, can you add a tube under the excavator top part (engine part) that fits into the assembled bottom part (tracks) so that the top part can rotate instead of glueing it in one position?
modelrailroad3d2024-02-28 13:15:04 UTC
Hi! Thank you for design feedback! We have this request for design change already in the pipe-line of changes to this set. The result of initial investigation meeting was that a rotary function would require re-design, new test prints, test of assembly and check paint work. I cannot give you a schedule when the change is implemented, but as said.. It´s already in the process. Again, thank you for design feedback! Best regards Modelrailroad3d-team
joh-mats2024-02-24 22:39:17 UTC
Could you have made an excavator bucket for the excavator?
modelrailroad3d2024-02-25 13:40:21 UTC
Hi Mats! Thank you for the design input! We have now added an excavator bucket including two fix pins to the set. You will also need to print an extra hydraulic cylinder and push rod. Happy digging! Best regards Modelrailroad3D-team
joh-mats2024-02-26 18:18:30 UTC
Thanks. Keep up the good work
Item rating
9 0
bourquerw2025-01-22 03:30:45 UTC
Excellent product and very good service
arnfinn2024-11-05 15:08:39 UTC
bolinda612024-09-11 20:27:30 UTC
Fantastic product great price ready to print.
isahaug2024-06-24 14:50:29 UTC
rick11122024-04-16 20:34:38 UTC
The excavator is the main reason I bought this item and the STL looks good. I've seen this model set in a youtube video and it looked very interesting. I have since found other RR oriented kits like this and the price is great! Looking forward to printing it. Rick
DET-0067 Junk yard detail set H0-scale 14 items
Editorial No Ai License 
DET-0067 Junk yard detail set H0-scale 14 items
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 87% in 12.6h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)112 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2023-12-27
  • Model ID#4991481