CARGO-0007 Container ISO standard H0-scale 8 items

CARGO-0007 Container ISO standard H0-scale 8 items 3D print model


40' and 20' containers in H0-scale with standard stud fittings for transport on Märklin, Roco and Piko freight cars. Set also include items for container terminal such as a truck trailer chassi for 20' container, check-in barrack, concrete barriers and yard light for LED assembly.

Ready-to-print super detail items set for Model Railroad in H0-scale. All neccesary preparations are made to simplify print including correct supports.Simply download, un-zip, save to USB and print. Enjoy!

The models are developed and test printed on the following 3D-printers to verify function, detail and printability:

  • Anycubic M5s Pro
  • Anycubic Mono M7 Pro

The following resins were used during development and test prints:

  • Siraya tech build fast gray
  • Siraya tech navy gray fast gray.

Use the following link for best price of your Siraya tech purchases:

Use the following link for best price of your Anycubic purchases:

at the same time as you support the Modelrailroad3D design work.


  • SLICE model using 0,03mm LAYER THICKNESS.
  • WASHING: Wash all items clean from resin preferrably in a washing mashine 6-8 minutes (Anycubic Wash & Cure 2.0)
  • POST CURING: Leave all items to dry after wash properly. Preferrably over-night / 24h. All sides, including inside surfaces, MUST be exposed to the UV-light. Recommended time: 4 minutes.
  • Paint the details immidiatly after post-curing using a primer. We recommend TAMAIYA Surface Primer Fine Gray.

*The Editorial licence of course includes unlimited printing for your own Model Railroad. However, the 3D models provided in this set must NOT be used for commersial production or re-sale of the 3D-models.

tieleman-photography2025-01-01 10:03:51 UTC
Great! Thats what I asked for earlier! Thanks a lot! Peter
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CARGO-0007 Container ISO standard H0-scale 8 items
Editorial No Ai License 
CARGO-0007 Container ISO standard H0-scale 8 items
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 87% in 12.6h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Other 219 Bytes
  • PNG (.png)79.7 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl)79.7 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2024-12-29
  • Model ID#5743370