The Zorro LARHC (light attack/reconnaissance hovercraft) produced by Shiaic Inc, is an ideal rapid-strike platform well-suited to the role of massed formation lightning swarm tactics or solo-vehicle recon tasks.
Its low technology base of design and inexpensive manufacturing production cost makes the Zorro an ideal fleet vehicle. It is an especially attractive option for any fiscally-constrained Periphery planetary garrison force, shoestring-budget militia (or insurgent/revolutionaries), or hard-luck mercenary outfit.
The vehicle's simple means of operation incorporates an integrated fire control system intuitively combined with its easy-to-use steerage controls. This allows for the rapid training of crew and new reinforcements (or mass-conscription draftees), and thus the operators of a fleet of Zorros can often throw them into the heat of action very soon after taking delivery of the assets.
Additionally, the Zorro is just the lightest platform in a wider family of highly interchangeable vehicles based on the same chassis design. This often allows for Zorro fleet owners to run a fully compatible logistics and repair operation with enhanced efficiency.