Virtuous Treaty - Cruel Bloady Oath

Virtuous Treaty - Cruel Bloady Oath 3D print model


Sword used in the game Nier Automata by the android Type 9 model S, it is the same shape as the Virtuous Treaty used by Type 2 model B , this was modeled in Alias Autostudio and finished in Meshmixer in scale 1/8 for 3d print in my Resin printer Elegoo Mars

Weapon Story:

Level 1

I'll never forget the time we met. I knew ours was a love that would last for eternity."

Level 2

But even when by his side, his feelings were a mystery. It was painful not to know what he was thinking. So painful."

Level 3

When I was close, I hurt him. Yet being distant hurt him more."

Level 4

I finally found my place in life. A place where I am as close as possible, yet eternally distant."

This sword was created to be used on the figure 2B from the website Gambody

the version on 1/8 scale can be assembled sliding the blade sideways to the pins of the support, the handle and the support can be conected using a simple cocktail stick, in order for the haldle to go trough the right hand of the figure you may have to use a file to enlarge the hole a little so they can fit properly.

it is possible to print the big blade in a printer like Elegoo Mars if you change the basic setup to allow it to use 170 mm height on the Z axis printing area, to do it you can folow the steps on this video and download and print a new platform knob that fits on the cabin using a M10 x 20mm bolt.

Youtube video instructions:

My slim knoob on Thingverse:

if you do this procedures you can also use the supported file ready for 3d print on DSL printers.

If you want to ad it to the version of the figure in 1/16 scale just scale down the parts to 50% and also you will need the FDM version of the right arm and hand so you can fit it, in any case I'm including also one version of the sword in 1/16 scale fully assembled, have fun!

Important the object of this sale is just the big sword, the smaller sword are here in the pictures just for comparison, although I have modifyed and improved that model it is pretty much the same as it came from as I bought it so I recommend you buy the 2B model from them.

hedgehog-x2021-04-25 22:19:08 UTC
Thanks, very good model
Item rating
1 1
miralles-joel72022-08-07 20:23:08 UTC
Not Recommended
The designer did not properly cooperate and response..
hedgehog-x2021-04-25 22:17:25 UTC
Very good and detailed model, printed in 1/3 scale without any problems. There is a disadvantage for me - a slightly curved handle
Virtuous Treaty - Cruel Bloady Oath
Royalty Free License 
Virtuous Treaty - Cruel Bloady Oath
Royalty Free License 
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3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)54.6 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl)260 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-09-04
  • Model ID#2407879
  • Ready for 3D Printing