USS Cerritos

USS Cerritos 3D print model


Model of U.S.S. Cerritos California class starship designed for 3D printing and assembly.Approx 300mm long.Parts will fit on 200x200 printer bed*

jnangano2022-10-26 18:35:27 UTC
I am currently printing this model and will upload photos when assembled. I just wish that the model had a few more details like the commission designation on the top saucer and more detail in the phaser trenches on the bottom shell.
uranushertz2021-02-14 01:28:28 UTC
Approximate scale of this model? Any guesses?
limeybuilds2021-02-14 10:59:22 UTC
Hi, I basically made this to be as big as poss for small printers. The Saucer is about 186mm across and the full length is about 305mm. Hope that helps!
uranushertz2021-02-14 16:11:56 UTC
So, approximately a 1/1000th scale model. Provided listings of the California Class Starship being 339m in length. Little closer to 1/1100th scale at default printing sizes. Thanks!
limeybuilds2021-02-14 17:06:46 UTC
Glad you could work it out! Hope it's a good model for you.
limeybuilds2021-01-09 02:03:43 UTC
I'm afraid I don't have a print of this one. If I have video, photos of physical versions etc, I include those on the page. Sorry I could not be of more help with this.
peteohearn2021-01-09 01:59:56 UTC
Any chance I could see a photo of a print?
Item rating
4 0
pdj2023-06-02 10:41:50 UTC
Every item I have purchased from LimeyBuilds has been an absolute treat. No printing issues at all. I am always excited to see what they release next. Well done gang!
steven1901802021-01-27 16:21:09 UTC
peter4202020-12-20 01:36:34 UTC
I have been looking for this ship in enough detail to make a 1/350. From the look of the files this will do that very nicely.
klingon1scott2020-11-26 14:14:21 UTC
This is an amazing model I’m printing mine in clear pla so I can light it up I give this model 5 stars !
USS Cerritos
Editorial No Ai License 
USS Cerritos
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 91% in 1.4h
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (13 files)15.7 MBVersion: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2020-10-25
  • Model ID#2671248