Here comes the Pacifiers. Made for combat and trained in all environments, these soldiers are not something to take lightly. While the soldiers of Erah grow and train in the same planet, these soldiers are from a distant planet, where conditions are harsh. The name of the planet remains secret, and even it´s said that is not only one planet, but a small amount where outstanding individuals are selected for this role.
What you will see is a .ZIP file contaning 3 bodies with slightly different poses, which you can complement with a set of arms, pauldrons and heads. Some bodies come with empty pistol holder or knife holder, to give that little extra if you decide to put a pistol or knife in their hands. They are compatible with your favourite alternative models with the same size, as they are bigger than a normal human based miniature, needing a 32mm base.You will also notice that one of the bodies need a rock or something to stand on (you will see the rock as a STL file). They are done separatedly so is not necesarily stepping on a rock, but anything else.
Please note that this model is for personal use only. If you are interested on selling my models, please contact me privately
Also, you will find a CHITUBOX .ZIP file containing the supported projects for each of the files. They have been done with automatic supports and I can´t guarantee a succesful print, so if you are experienced with supports please check the projects beforehand.
Happy printing!