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Feb 2025 Upgrade: New Tread-Leg Combat Mobility Units added!
Striding across the battlefields of various dimensions and realities, the Project Cervantes series of mechs are fearsome towers of destruction.
Their modular nature enables the pilot to choose, given the correct facilities, a variety of weapons and armor packages to suit the mission.
Gravity cannons. Chainblades. Power Lances. Flame Cannons. Impregnable Power Shields. Laser Blades. Rotary Cannons.
This package has it all.
You are able to mix and match the payloads and armors of four main Cervantes variants.
Sicario Assassination Mech. (Stealth armor)Caballero Close Combat Mech. (Spiked Terror armor)Cazador Terror Mech. (Smooth armor)and the Conquistador Main Battle Mecha. (Reactive armor)
Plus, since this is one of my Full series of file bundles, you get every modification, upgrade, and possible applicable thing I feel like creating for this series of mechs in the future. And I have a few ideas.
This bundle is priced at a substantial savings, 2/3rds of what it would cost to buy the mechs individually.
PDF instructions for use and preview are here on WeTransfer...