Hello, This model is made in 2 sections for bigger print possibilty. The legs are interlocking near the top and I have them fitted in with no glue etc. The high detailed model looks good with or without the side rockets.( They can be trimmed off if prefered). The model looks cool free standing along with any collection or alone and is a perfect Scifi model for anyone. I printed this on the elegoo mars 3 with washable resin - default settings and auto supports - then added a bunch of small supports onto some missed details. Hot water soaked for 30 secs after 5 mins wash in the mercury x. Supports come off easily leaving no residue. I used chittu to hollow at 2-2.5 mm with grid and 2 drain holes. Came out really well as seen in images. Dimensions here are >C5BotScifi Sphere55.05mm x70.00mm y74.66mm z
C5Bot BaseTri legs56.05mm x60.18mm y64.39mm z
Any questions please send a message and i'll reply asap.Thanks for your intrest and to all whom buy my models.Best wishesCalum